Local by Flywheel

What is Local by Flywheel

Local by Flywheel is a FREE, local development application designed specifically for Wordpress Developers, but can be used by anyone who wants to do PHP and MySQL development.

Installing Local by Flywheel

Follow the following instructions to download and install the following instructions

1. Download Local by Flywheel

Go to https://local.getflywheel.com and Click on the "Free Download!" button

Local by Flywheel Site

A form will popup. Complete the form and click the "Get It Now" button.


You only need to provide your email and the number of sites.


You do NOT need to use your Algonquin email.

Local by Flywheel Form

The download should begin automatically.

Local by Flywheel downloading

2. Install Local by Frywheel

Open the installer to begin installing Local by Flywheel.

Local by Flywheel Installing

After the initial installation, you will be asked if you want turn on Error Reporting.


This is an optional. You may click "No" you do not want to turn on Error Reporting

Turn on Error Reporting

Local by Flywheel will need to install some additional dependencies. Click the "Let's Go!" button.

Installing dependencies


Throughout the installation process you will be asked to grant permissions to Local by Flywheel. Click "Yes" or "Agree" for any requests.

When the installation has finished you should see the Local Sites screen with no sites

Local Sites screen with no Sites

3. Download Site Archives

Go to https://eisenbm.edumedia.ca/mtm6331/local-servers.zip. A zip file will begin downloading.

Extract the contents of the zip file.


Inside the folder Local Servers will be two zip file MTM6331.zip and MTM6331 Laravel.zip.


Do NOT extract or unzip MTM6331.zip and MTM6331 Laravel.zip.

4. Import Sites

In Local by Flywheel, select Import Site under the menu icon (Windows) or the File Menu (macOS). Find and select the MTM6331.zip and click "Open".

Import Site Option on Windows

The Import Site from Archive screen will open. The Local site name should be mtm6331

Import Site from Archive

Click on Advanced Options. The Local ste domain should be mtm6331.local. The Local site path is the location where the site files should to be stored, you may choose where you want to store these files. Click the continue button.


Sites do not need to be stored together. Sites can be stored on external drives.


Do NOT store site on the desktop.

Import Site from Archive Advanced Options

The Choose your environment screen will appear. Click on "Import Site" button.


Do NOT change these options.

Choose you environment

Local by Flywheel will download the environment and will import the new site.

Downloading Environment

Extracting Site

5. Add Files Manually

Only if extraction fails

If the site extracts hangs or takes longer than a few minute following the instruction below. If not, skip to step 6.

If site extraction fails, quit Local by Flywheel. Reopen Local by Flywheel. (This may take a few minutes)

When Local by Flywheel finishes opening you may see the new site listed but in red.

Local site in Red

Click on the site name will reveal the error: Site container is missing.

Local site with Error

Find the MTM6331.zip file. View and copy all the contents from inside the zip file.

Zip files contents

Paste the copied file into the Local site path.


The Local site path is location where you choose to store the site files

Back in Local by Flywheel, click on the site name again. The Error should change to a warning, and a "Restore Site" button should appear. Click the button.

Local site with Warning

6. View Site

After Local by Flywheel has import the site, it will automatically start the server. Clicking the site name will reveal the site details. In the top, right corner will be a "View Site" button.

Local Site started

Clicking the "View Site" button should open the site in your default browser.

View Site

Repeat Steps 4 through 6 for the MTM6331 Laravel.zip file.