Week 9: Routes and Views
🗓 Week of October 29
Laravel: Routes
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP MVC framework that provides rapid development of PHP projects. We will journey with Laravel by learning how to use its powerful, yet approachable routing engine.
The link below goes to the official Laravel Documentation
Laravel: Views
With our routes in place, we need those routes to go some place. So, now we will learn how to create a views in Laravel using the Laravel's Blade template system.
The link below goes to the official Laravel Documentation
In-Class Exercise
Now that we are familiar with the data, we are going to start building out the Seussology application. This week we will start by creating the URL structure and the HTML templates.
Independent Study
Laravel 5.7 from Scratch
Watch this simple to follow Free beginners course on Laravel. You will learn all the basics of using Laravel including: routes, views, controllers, databases, form handling and validation.
Try Laravel
Watch this three-part course that digs into an overview of the Laravel framework. You will learn how to start building PHP applications with the MVC architecture.
Laravel 5 Essential Training
Watch this course as it covers the basics you need to know to build elegant applications of any scale with Laravel. Learn how to work with the MVC architecture, bootstrap components with service providers, and incorporate the ORM Eloquent for simplified database integration.