Week 8: Advanced SQL Queries
🗓 Week of October 22
Advanced SQL
With the basic now in place, we will take our querying to the next level with JOINs, subqueries and aggregate functions.
In-Class Exercise
Querying Suessology Database - Part 2
You do not like them, so you say, try them, try them, and you may. Try them and you may, I say.
Now, try to retrieve even more data from the Suessology Database using more complex queries.
Individual Assignment
Blacksmith DB
Seussology DB
For this assignment you will be demonstrating your skills and understanding of SQL Queries by creating queries that create, read, update, and delete data from the Blacksmith Seussology Database.
Independent Study
The Sequel to SQL
Watch the last two parts of this five-part course and learn the most important parts of the SQL language so you can create tables with constraints, use relationships, and write powerful join queries.