
Individual Assignments

Students must complete the following 4 assignments by the specified deadline. Assignments must be completed individually and must adhere to the requirements laid out for each assignment. Each assignment will require students to demonstrate understand the topics and techniques discussed in class.


The Individual Assignments will account for 40% of your final grade.

Individual Assignment

About Me

For this assignment you will demonstrate that you know how to accept and submit assignments, and ensure that your GitHub Account properly set up.

This assignment will NOT be graded

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Individual Assignment

Dominoes with PHP

For this assignment you will be demonstrating your skills and understanding of using PHP to create HTML to randomly generate 100 dominoes on the page.

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Individual Assignment

aMAZing Adventure

For this assignment you will be demonstrating your skills and understanding of using multidimensional, associative arrays, conditional statements and retrieving variables from the url to create an interactive maze.

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Individual Assignment

Functional Fishing

For this assignment you will be demonstrating your understanding of using functions, conditional statements, HTTP variables, and PHP includes by creating a simple interactive fishing game.

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Individual Assignment

Blacksmith DB

Seussology DB

For this assignment you will be demonstrating your skills and understanding of SQL Queries by creating queries that create, read, update, and delete data from the Blacksmith Seussology Database.

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Independent Study Discussions

Each week students will choose a topic, related to server-side web development, for their independent study. Topics can be chosen from those suggested from the week or from the list below, but students should not feel limited to these topics. Students may need to perform their own research.

Students will be required to write 5 discussion posts by the specified due date. Each post should explain what topic the student chose to study, and how, why, and in what situation they might use the related functions, statements, variables, or techniques. Students should provide links and / or citations to any and all resources used for their independent study.

All discussions will be posted on BrightSpace.


The Independent Study Discussions will account for 20% of your final grade.

Independent Study Topics

  • PHP String Functions
  • PHP Math Functions
  • PHP Variable handling Functions
  • PHP Array Functions
  • PHP Session Functions
  • PHP Directory Functions
  • PHP Filesystem Functions
  • PHP Image Functions
  • PHP JSON Functions
  • PHP Date/Time Functions
  • PHP Password Hashing Functions
  • Database Normalization
  • SQL Aggregate Functions

Example Post

The following is a example Independent Study Discussion Post:

Example Post

I chose to research the explode() function.

The explode() function will split a string into parts and return an array. The explode() function takes two parameters, a delimiter as a string, which tells the functions where to split the string, and the string that is to be split.


explode(', ', 'Red, Ted, Ed, Ned'); // ['Red', 'Ted', 'Ed', 'Ned']

A way I would use this function is to split a comma separate list of emails received from a user from a form. With the explode function I could convert that string into an array, wih will make it easier to work with each individual email.


Group Project

Students will be divided into group and will choose a project they wish to create that uses a database, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Groups will submit 4 deliverables throughout the semester to ensure that they are staying on track.


The Group Project will account for 40% of your final grade.

Group Project

Project Proposal

A document outlining what project the group intends be create. The proposal should include a one paragraph description of the project, a rudimentary wireframe of the project, and the roles each member of group will take on.

Group Project

Project Mockup

A mockup of what the final project. The mockup should demonstrate the UI of the project as well as the workflow a user may take. Mockups can be done using a number of different tools including but not limited to PhotoShop, XD, Illustrator, Sketch, or HTML/CSS.

Group Project

Project Prototype

A working prototype of the project. The prototype does not need to be complete, but it does need to be functional. Groups will demonstrate the working prototype in class and submit the prototype code to GitHub.

Group Project

Final Product

The final product should completed and functional including a user-friendly, front-end. Documentation should be include with project, either in a README file or as part or the front-end. Groups will need to present and demonstrate their project to the class and submit all the project code, including database tables to GitHub.